Read receipts in iMessage within Messages lets you allow other people to know when you’ve read a message they sent you. You can turn the feature on globally in iOS or iPadOS at Settings > Messages or in macOS in Messages at Messages > Preferences > iMessage.
While the global setting affects both everyone in your contacts list and all other iMessages interactions, you can override it on a person-by-person basis. Strangely, you don’t use Contacts to control this setting. Instead, you have to start with a conversation in Messages in iOS/iPadOS or macOS.

In Messages in iOS or iPadOS, select a conversation and tap the person’s avatar. Swipe down to find the Send Read Receipts switch. You can enable or disable it.
In macOS, launch Messages and select a conversation. Click the i info button in the upper-right corner of the window and then scroll to find the Send Read Receipts checkbox.
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