It’s hard to believe that we have such an amazing camera in our pockets, but the iPhone 13 can take some truly remarkable pictures that look like they were snapped on a camera costing ten times as much‑without any special filters, editing, or accessories.
To show off the iPhone 13 Pro’s eye-popping abilities, Apple recently ran the Shot on iPhone Macro Challenge to showcase the remarkable up-close photography capabilities of its premium handset. The winners were selected by an international panel of judges and the shots themselves were taken with little more than an iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max.
To take a macro photo using the iPhone 13 Pro, all you need to do is get close enough to your subject for it to kick in—as close as an inch away. You’ll notice the lens switch as the view changes from the wide camera to the ultra-wide, but Apple automatically crops in on the image so you don’t lose your framing. There are other options as well if you want a little more control over your shots.
Here are the winning photos, some of which will be featured on billboards in select cities.

“Sea Glass” by Guido Cassanelli ( Shot on iPhone 13 Pro Max.

“The Cave” (hibiscus) by Marco Colletta (@marcolletta.1). Shot on iPhone 13 Pro.

“Art in Nature” (spiderweb) by Prajwal Chougule ( Shot on iPhone 13 Pro.

“A Drop of Freedom” (lily) by Daniel Olah (@danesduet). Shot on iPhone 13 Pro Max.

“Leaf Illumination” by Trevor Collins ( Shot on iPhone 13 Pro.

“Strawberry in Soda” by Ashley Lee ( Shot on iPhone 13 Pro.

“Volcanic Lava” (sunflower) by Abhik Mondal (@abhik_mondal_photos). Shot on iPhone 13 Pro.

“Honeycomb” (snowflakes on dog hair) by Tom Reeves (@tomreevesphoto). Shot on iPhone 13 Pro.

“Hidden Gem” (water bead in leaf) by Jirasak Panpiansin (@joez19). Shot on iPhone 13 Pro Max.

“The Final Bloom” (tulip) by Hojisan (@hojisan_ins). Shot on iPhone 13 Pro Max.